I have been thinking about what the hell I'm doing with my life a lot recently. In a rather terrifying moment of realisation, it occurred to me that I have absolutely no idea, and haven't done since I was a child! When I was a little there was one thing I knew with certainty: that I wanted to be a mum. So I guess that's always been the main goal, to eventually be someone's mum. I am forever hopeful that I shall get to tick that one off the list. But in terms of a job, I had some pretty decent ideas there too. There were three options: Vet Archaeologist Author I once had a discussion with my Mum about archaeology. She (quite rightly) pointed out that it isn't all dinosaurs and Ancient Egypt, and over time I came to realise that she was right. I thought that perhaps the other aspects might not appeal to me so much, so that kind of fell by the wayside. The vet option was pretty high on my list. I decided I'd go for it. When I was in year 9...
Just a little bit of me and my dreams.